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The long-awaited finale to the New York Times bestselling Maybe Someday series returns with all the characters you fell in love with.
What is more important? Friendship, loyalty, or love?
Ridge and Sydney are thrilled to finally be together guilt-free. But as the two of them navigate this freedom, Warren and Bridgette's relationship is as tumultuous as ever, and Maggie grapples with her illness.
When she comes across an old list of things she wanted to do "maybe one of these days," Maggie decides to live life to the fullest and accomplish these dreams. Maggie keeps Ridge updated on her adventures, but he can't help but worry, even as Sydney grows more and more suspicious about their friendship. But if she's going to move past this jealousy, she'll need to reconcile how she and Ridge came together with the fact that Maggie will always be in their lives somehow...or end up walking away from the man she loves so much.
Featuring new songs by Griffin Peterson, this emotive and satisfying finale proves that maybe someday might be right now.
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