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All the ton agree: there is no one quite like Hyacinth Bridgerton.Fiendishly smart, devilishly outspoken and - according to some, particularly Gareth St. Clair - probably best in small doses. But there's something about her - something charming and vexing - that grabs one and won't quite let go.Gareth and Hyacinth cross paths at the annual - and annually discordant - Smythe-Smith musicale. To Hyacinth, Gareth's every word seems a dare, and she offers to help him out with a knotty inheritance problem he's facing. However, as they delve into the mysterious St Clair history, they discover that the answers they seek lie not in the past - but in each other; and that there is nothing as simple - or as complicated - as a single, perfect kiss.
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